

We’re Cari and Chad, the people behind Plantifull. Our blog got its start as a Google doc where we organized our favorite plant-based recipes. After sharing the doc with numerous friends and family members who were interested in our collection, we decided to turn it into a blog.

What you’ll find on this site are tasty plant-based recipes that will get you your macros (according to Chad) and more importantly, leave you feeling like you actually ate a full meal. Both of us are active people with appetites and have at times been frustrated by vegan meals that lack both calories and protein – I’m looking at you, cauliflower steaks. You know that feeling when an hour after you eat dinner, you’re hungry again? We hate that feeling, and we hope our collection of recipes helps you avoid it. You may question our methods at times (seriously, add more beans to this already bean-heavy meal?), but bear with us and you won’t be hangry later.

There are so many good vegan cookbooks and food blogs out there that we rarely invent our own recipes from scratch, but prefer to adapt and modify from more accomplished chefs, cooks, and bloggers. We are so grateful to the original creators of many of our recipes (who you’ll see cited where applicable) and we encourage you to check out their websites and books for more inspiration.

In our free time when we’re not chopping veggies and cooking beans, we love exploring the mountains near our home in Denver with our pup.